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The purpose of the Air Release Valve

The Air Release Valve plays a vital role in the liquid pipeline system. Its main function is to eliminate gas in the pipeline to ensure the stability of the liquid flow, the accuracy of the flow rate and the normal operation of the system. The exhaust valve has the following functions in the liquid pipeline system:
1. Air lock release: Air lock is a common problem in liquid pipeline systems. Air lock refers to the gas in the pipeline blocking the flow of liquid, causing the fluid to be unable to pass normally. The Air Release Valve quickly removes gas and releases the air lock, allowing the liquid to flow and ensuring that the liquid in the pipeline can be transmitted freely.
2. Prevent pipeline blockage: The accumulation of gas in the pipeline may cause pipeline blockage and reduce the smoothness of the pipeline. The Air Release Valve prevents gas accumulation, thereby reducing the risk of pipe blockage and keeping the pipes clear.
3. Keep the flow rate accurate: The presence of gas in liquid pipes can cause flow instability and inaccuracy. The Air Release Valve maintains the continuous flow of fluid by removing gas, ensuring the stability and accuracy of the flow, making the measurement and monitoring of the system reliable.
4. Prevent air from being drawn in: In liquid pipelines, air may be drawn into the system, thereby affecting the flow performance of the liquid and causing the formation of air pockets. The existence of the Air Release Valve can prevent air from being entrained and maintain the normal operation of the system.
5. Protect equipment and reduce maintenance needs: The presence of gases in pipelines can cause corrosion, damage and premature wear of pipes, pumps and other equipment. The use of exhaust valves can reduce the risk of these problems, reducing maintenance requirements and system maintenance costs.
6. Improve system efficiency:Air Release Valve help maintain the efficiency of your piping system because liquids are able to flow smoothly without being hindered by gases. This increases the efficiency of the system, helping to reduce energy consumption and operating costs.

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