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How does the smoothness of the inner wall of PE pipes affect irrigation efficiency?

The smoothness of the inner wall of PE pipes has a crucial impact on irrigation efficiency. In agricultural irrigation systems, the selection of pipes is crucial, and PE pipes are widely used due to their excellent performance. The smoothness of the inner wall of PE pipes, as a often overlooked but extremely important characteristic, actually has a profound impact on irrigation efficiency.

Firstly, we must understand that water flow in pipelines is subject to frictional resistance from the inner wall of the pipeline. This resistance will consume the energy of the water flow, reduce its flow velocity, and thus affect the efficiency of irrigation. However, when the inner wall of the PE pipe is sufficiently smooth, this frictional resistance will be significantly reduced. The smooth inner wall is like a highway, providing a smooth passage for water flow and minimizing obstacles encountered during the flow process. Under the same water pressure, PE pipes with smooth inner walls can ensure faster and smoother water flow to farmland, greatly improving irrigation efficiency.

Furthermore, the smoothness of the inner wall of the PE pipe also helps to prevent the attachment of various impurities and sediments. During the irrigation process, water may contain various small particles, minerals, and other impurities. If the inner wall of the pipeline is rough, these impurities and sediments can easily adhere to it. Over time, they may form scale or blockages, seriously affecting the smoothness of water flow. A smooth inner wall PE pipe can effectively reduce the occurrence of this situation, maintain the cleanliness and smoothness of the pipeline, and thus ensure the continuity and efficiency of irrigation.

A smooth inner wall is also crucial for reducing vortex and turbulence phenomena in water flow. When water flows through rough or irregular inner walls of pipelines, it is easy to form eddies and turbulence, which not only increases the resistance of water flow, reduces irrigation efficiency, but may also cause damage to the pipeline. The smooth inner wall of PE pipes can effectively suppress the occurrence of these adverse phenomena, ensure the stability and uniformity of water flow, and further improve the efficiency and quality of irrigation.

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